Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just being Randomm..

Ok. So I've decided to make this post completely boring. I just need to rant.

I have just finished this killer renaissance fair that I could not wait to get over with. It was hell. But the reward was a movie and free pizza. YAY :)

I am currently loving this site called Jamlegend. It is so fun, although I am quite sure that I'll get bored of it soon.
I also for some reason like to dance right now. For fun, of course. Although I wouldn't be like those other people who take classes and are completely serious about it.
Oh and I HEART roleplays.

I'm gonna be in Cali babyy. Where the sand, sun, and surf is.
Oh and I have a ton of homework. ;(

-And that concludes my little rant. Teehee. -

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