Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New post. Not story-related.

Ok. So I wanted to take a break from my story. I'm too lazy to write it right now.

{Current State of Chloe}
I hate my school life. There's this one girl that just totally sucks.
Tomorrow I'll be going to Puncak! YAY.
On July 2, I'll be going to CALIFORNIA BABBYYY! Double YAY.
Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE polyvore. :)

haha ok now i'm done. :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Amazing Shoe Designers.

I am really loving designers right now.
Yes, I know that they're shoes are just super expensive and you gotta be rich to buy them, but I still can't help loving it.

Some of my absolute favorites are:

Christian Louboutin

Miu Miu

Giuseppe Zanotti

Jimmy Choo

Amazing Designers.

Polyvore has heightened my interest in major designers.

Everything from Prada to Alexander Wang. Everything seems GORGEOUS to me. :)

Also, I just realized that prada shoes are genius. Along with Louboutins, Jimmy Choos, Miu Mius, the long list goes on and on.

People mostly think that designer stuff are useless, you're just buying the brand. Well, that's at least what my daddy dearest says, and he still buys armani. -.-"

Designer things ARE WONDERFUL. Being a polyvorian made me just even more obsessed with fashion and all of its wonderfullness.

I know Im just rambling on and on, but in truth I don't know what to write about exactly.

So, until later! Ciao!

Loving Polyvore!

So I have great friends on Polyvore, and I cherish all of them. Here are some of the sets they actually made for me. :)

View 'Sets made for MOI :)' on Polyvore

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Sometimes we love them. Sometimes we don't. That's the way it works.

We LOVE them because most of the time, they will always be there for us. They help us, they guide us, and they make us a better person. This is only sometimes/most of the time though.

We DON'T love them because well, they can be backstabbing bitches. Now I'm not saying this isn't true about myself. This is very true about most people. There is NO perfect friend in this world. Everyone has their own flaws.

Haha I'll continue later. I'm too lazy to write.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just being Randomm..

Ok. So I've decided to make this post completely boring. I just need to rant.

I have just finished this killer renaissance fair that I could not wait to get over with. It was hell. But the reward was a movie and free pizza. YAY :)

I am currently loving this site called Jamlegend. It is so fun, although I am quite sure that I'll get bored of it soon.
I also for some reason like to dance right now. For fun, of course. Although I wouldn't be like those other people who take classes and are completely serious about it.
Oh and I HEART roleplays.

I'm gonna be in Cali babyy. Where the sand, sun, and surf is.
Oh and I have a ton of homework. ;(

-And that concludes my little rant. Teehee. -

Monday, June 1, 2009

Intro (:

Hey People.

The name's Natassia Chloe ♥
I came out of my mom on March 30, 1996.
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this thing called Polyvore. It's a website. Go Google it.
I absolutely HATE HATE HATE this disease called Cancer. It ruins and kills people's lives.

I have a best friend. Who doesn't of course? I've known her since I was 3, so that makes 10 awesome years :)
She's been there for me, through thick and thin.
My other friends are awesome too. Sometimes they get ULTRA annoying, but sometimes, they're the shoulder I will cry on.

People always regard me as the sweetie pie. I don't beg to differ. I am sometimes, but yes, I can get annoying, pushy, suck-up-y, and not nice.

Generally, I think I'm a very boring person.
I think most people would agree on this, some people wouldn't. It depends on who knows me better XD

I spend most of my time on my laptop {not a Mac, unfortanutely}. Blogging, Youtube-ing, Facebooking, and Polyvore-ing.
My other hobbies include reading, PROCRASTINATING [THAT'S A HUGE ONE], listening to my iPod, and watching TV/Movies.

I think that this blog would mostly be personal life and fashion.
So yes, I will post up some of my sets from Polyvore on here. You'll see what I mean once you see it.

How people would view me: Innocent, Nice, Sweet, and Cute. (Well, I get those a lot.)

Yes, I can be all of those things, but sometimes, I don't wanna be judged. I don't want people to know me as a certain thing. I want them to know me who I really am.

I'm just being Chloe. :)